Ellison & Robie Inc. has dissolved. However , you can still contact Leland J Ellison and Todd R. Robie through this website. Leland J. Ellison and Todd R. Robie are still in the same building and the contact phone number remains the same.
You can also contact Leland J. Ellison through his new website by clicking here.
Established in 1999, ELLISON & ROBIE, INC., is a boutique law firm where both attorneys are Certified Specialists in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law as designated by The State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization. As of 2016, LELAND J. ELLISON has been practicing law for twenty-six years and he has been designated as a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law for twenty years. As of 2016, TODD R. ROBIE, who also has a Masters of Laws (L.L.M.), in Taxation, has been practicing law for twenty-four years and he has been designated as a Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law for fifteen years.